hashbert examples

Example of how I personally use hashbert (in combination with rsync)

Backing up to a "Master backup"

Backing up to the master backup:
rsync -rtvPiF --delete ~/ /media/magnus/MyUSBDisk/sync/
Synchronizing hashcodes.txt: (this command takes several hours / TiB the first time)
cd /media/magnus/MyUSBDisk/; hashbert sync; cd ~
Verifying the backup: (this command takes several hours / TiB)
cd /media/magnus/MyUSBDisk/; hashbert check; cd ~

Mirroring the "Master backup"

Mirroring the "Master backup" (including hashcodes.txt-file) to further drives:
rsync -rtvPiF --delete /media/magnus/MyUSBDisk/ /media/magnus/MyUSBDiskB/
The "mirror" can be verified in the same way as above.

Mirroring the most important files to a usb-flash memory

If you have smaller drives / usb-sticks, you can copy the most important files to those, and still use hashbert to check the files.

Example on how to using rsync:

rsync -rtvPi --filter='dir-merge /.rsync-filter-MyUSBFlash' --delete "/media/magnus/MyUSBDisk/" /media/magnus/MyUSBFlash/
The ".rsync-filter-MyUSBFlash"-file could look something like this: (See rsync documentation for more info)
- /bigFolderWithNotSoImportantStuff
The run "hashbert check" as usual.