Risk of getting stuck / making an error |
Action | |
Medium | Install Node.js (Google it (Personally I use the "Installing Node.js via binary archive on Linux"-insturctions from nodejs.org)) | |
Risky | Install MySQL or MariaDB. (MariaDB seem to support TLS which MySql doesn't. On the other hand MySQL Workbench says they might not support MariaDB. Personally I use MariaDB.) | |
Medium | Install Redis (they have pretty good "quick start"-instructions (ref)) | |
Small | Download the files: git (use the mysql branch) | |
Medium | In the extracted folder: Run npm install. (This will download the required packages ). | |
Medium | Create a file config.js (for example by copying and editing config.example.js). Read the comments (follow the instructions) of the file. config.example.js | |
Small | execute node script.js --sql createTable execute node script.js --sql createView execute node script.js --sql createFunction execute node script.js --sql populateSetting (insert some values in the "setting"-table) (run node script.js -h for more options (like deleteTable, deleteFunction ...) (see also below)) | |
Small |
Create a site.csv-file in a directory "mmmWikiBackUp" parallel to the "mmmWiki" folder. Like this:
(directory_containing_mmmWiki_folder)/mmmWiki/script.js (directory_containing_mmmWiki_folder)/mmmWikiBackUp/site.csvsite.csv should look something like this (replace with your own values): "boDefault","boTLS","srcIcon16","strLangSite","googleAnalyticsTrackingID","aWPassword","aRPassword","name","www" false,true,"Site/Icon/iconRed16.png","en","UA-34811619-2","","","gav","" true,true,"Site/Icon/iconRed16.png","en","UA-34811619-3","","","emag","localhost:5000"One and only one row should have boDefault=true. The "aWPassword" and "aRPassword"-variables aren't used so those can be left empty. (There are "aWPassword" and "aRPassword"-variables in the config.js-file however.) |
Small | execute node script.js --load site.csv (This will load the site.csv-file created above.) Check below if you want to undo it. | |
Small | Start the app (By executing node script.js for example) In production you might want the app to start automatically after reboot and after crash. To do this I personally use pm2. |