Linux: Yes
Windows 10 (with NTFS): Yes but with issues:
Windows soft-links are absolute (like C:\dirA\dirB\file.txt), while on Linux they are relative (like ../../dirA/dirB/file.txt). This means that links within the source-tree, will be within the target tree on Linux, while on Windows, they will point back to the source-tree. Write comments below, if you have any opinions or suggestions on how to deal with this.
Linux soft links are simply small files containing a little text (like ../../dirA/dirB/file.txt) while Windows have multiple concepts (Windows doesn't work anyways currently).
Remote syncing is not supported (Remote syncing only works between Linux computers)
Windows 11: Untested
Mac: Untested
File Systems
On Linux
Ext4: Yes
FAT32: Yes (although doesn't support softlinks, nor casesensitive names)
ExFAT: Yes (although doesn't support softlinks, nor casesensitive names)
To find which characters can be used in filenames on different filesystems, I googled "filesystems supported characters". Found this usefull page: Filename